Minor Scale

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Minor scales seem complicated. They are not.
There are three different minor scales:

- The natural minor scale.

- The harmonic minor scale.

- The Melodic minor scale.

For the natural minor scale, I have already covered it in book one. It is the same as the major scale but the root note is 3 frets back.
so the natural minor scale for A is : A B C D E F G A

The harmonic minor scale is the same as the natural minor but the 7th note is sharpened.
So the harmonic minor scale for A is : A B C D E F G# A

The melodic minor scale is the same as the harmonic minor but with the 6th note sharpened.
So the melodic minor scale for A is : A B C D E F# G# A



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